Wednesday, September 7, 2011

return to rain

time to despedir a todos.
lots of therapy and time to return to work.  nice time with family and hopefully time to get back into the life.  

Saturday, September 3, 2011

ugh my back is hurting more

yesterday at the feria, I was pulling the basket and somehow irked my back again. Now I'm trying to ply it back to where it was with ice, stretching and pain killers.

just when I think it's improving a little

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Vicki went home today

My cousin Vicki has been recouping for 2 weeks from hysterectomy.  She needs to go home to check in at a medical clinic. Her follow-up appointment for the surgery is in FEBRUARY 2012-I guess nothing went wrong if you live that long.  Her boyfriend Roger-pronounced-Roe-hair-drove out to pick her up since she can't lift her legs to get into the regular bus. Guess she'd qualify for CherryLift-the bus for people with disabilities in the Salem area.  

 they are happy to see each other again!

 my mom and roger

 sharing a laugh

Happy Birthday to my little mama!

Born during WWII, same year as Mick Jagger, Robert DeNiro, Oliver North-A gallon of gas was 15 cents, average wages $2,000, and a new car cost $900. 

Marcos & Gloria's Wedding

Salome's next door neighbor got married to his longtime love.  The Catholic ceremony was held in a church on a saturday afternoon.  The wedding had many unique aspects-the priest said-you are now married.  If you lose your ring somewhere like in your pocket, or at home in a drawer, or in these troubled times you may sell it, you remain married.
If she is unfaithful, you still must be faithful.  If he is unfaithful, you still must be faithful.

 The priest said, we are going to do something special-and then he got a rope and tied the wedding couple, who were seated, together. Then he told them to stand up.  Struggling and using each other for balance, they stood. He commended them on working together now that they were tied together.

haircuts for shaggy men

S cut russ's hair and Ko cut his own and S did the back.  Mr. super shag tan, didn't want his hair cut but he was busy on the internet and I attacked with the scissors.  Came out pretty well, since I couldn't see his smiley face.

felt fun