Thursday, August 4, 2011

Death of a Dream

My cousin’s unborn baby died-she was 10 weeks pregnant-, another female cousin is relinquishing her 44 year desire to give birth and is going in for removal of her female parts due to extreme tumors.

Why do we even have dreams? Sometimes it seems so pointless to have them, because so many times what we wanted never comes to be. All the hopes of dreams of these hoped for babies have vanished. How do you grieve and refocus on what you do have? People make these stupid insensitive comments about-the baby was unhealthy-or the mother too unhealthy to bring the child to fruition. But really that all lies behind the veil of our understanding here-on this planet.

Is the baby now in heaven? With the grandma? These are too emotional, to etherical for me to surmise any sort of answer.

All I know is one of the most comforting things that I have felt people do is just come and sit with you. Maybe the hurting person says words, but the comforter just listens and attends to hints of needed things-such as coffee, hugs or just company without demand.

Maybe all we can do is grieve for what is lost. Be thankful for what is present in our lives. Hope, pray, plan for what good may come our way. Hug our loved ones tighter and let the little ones that did not come to us go in peace.

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