Thursday, August 18, 2011

orthodontist check-up

We had to take Vale to her check up.  We drove to a town called Naranjo-and there is a street lined with dentist.  We go in the waiitng room where the movie Liar, Liar is on TV. We check in for the 3pm appointment.  We wait with 15 other people.  Then the lady at the front desk goes to the back because it's time for the coffee break.  So the whole office grinds to a halt and the workers have a seat and have coffee and bread for 15-20 minutes.  We all sit watching the tv, and more people arrive.  After waiting nearly 40 minutes, Vale and I go to the back, where there are two patient chairs.  The doctor is suppose to come in but one of the soccer players from the Costa Rican Team, so they attend him first. We sit and wait again, there's music in this room, but I give my ipod to vale.  Finally the doc shows up. He squeezes the cheeks of the other patient and inspects her teeth, while we watch. Then he signs off her chart.  Then he checks out Vale and says everything looks really good. The total price for the year long treatment is 60,000 colones-which is $120.  Each visit they pay $20.  The dentist then tells me how he went to Washington State and got stopped by a police for jay walking- He said that he was told to only cross at corners-in costa Rica you cross when you can and where you can.  Also he went to a park and looked for someone to pay to watch his car so it wouldn't get stolen, but instead he saw a guy get a piece of paper and write something and put it in his window and then he asked and the guy was going to pay later.  He said he really liked how nice it was there.

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