Friday, August 26, 2011

Ko adventure to the ER

Ko came up the 1/2 mile hill from the river limping with his hand wrapped.  He said, mother, i think we need to go to the emergency room.
He was climbing in a fruit tree and he said that there were ants and he tried to shake them off the tree.  But instead the branch he was on snapped and he fell 15' into the river and rocks. He flipped over onto a big rock.  
He got x-rays for his wrist, ankle and hip.  Everything looked ok but the doc sent the x-rays home in case something turns up.  He kept ice on it for a couple days and got bored of that.  He wore a wrist guard they got from some other incident to help stabalize his wrist.

This is the hospital orthopedic area. Literally Door # 2, #3.  Except they all connect into a room in the back. 
It was the 4th trip to the ER on this trip.

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