Thursday, August 18, 2011

mother's day fun

Mother's day is Aug 15 in Costa Rica. So the men put on a show. They had some guitar players from the church play some beautiful music.  They gave us ensalada de frutas-fruit salad-with jello, ice cream and toppings and barquillos.  A famous Christian singer-Fabricio Alvarado-sang and told us some encouraging words.  Then the youth preformed some hilarious skits-one with Laura of America-a talk show host.
The Show was called They were ugly but now worse-for instance one guy had no butt, he asked the doc to fill it up and he ended up with a huge butt-so the doc said-he just needs to gain weight to even out.
Another person wanted big muscles-but the guy hit a nerve and causes him to jerk night and day-the doc said he'll get his muscles cuz he exercises night and day.
We laughed and enjoyed ourselves immensely!

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